Quality Control

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  • An assayed, bi-level control for monitoring ethanol and ammonia levels in serum.


    Ammonia Ethanol
  • This assayed, tri-level control has been designed to monitor the performance of total, direct, conjugated, unconjugated and neonatal bilirubin.
  • This multi-analyte control is designed to monitor serum cardiac marker test methods
  • This is a comprehensive multi-analyte control, designed to monitor general chemistry and TDM methods.
  • This assayed, bi-level control is designed to monitor the performance of quantitative and manual chemical analysis of human cerebrospinal fluid.
  • This liquid assayed diabetes control is a bi-level control designed to monitor hemoglobin A1c methods. Assayed for most major instrument systems.


    • Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)
  • This multi-analyte immunology liquid assayed control is designed to monitor the performance of various serum protein and serology test procedures
  • This multi-analyte immunoassay control is liquid based and designed to monitor immunoassay test procedures on automated instruments. Provides coverage of fertility, thyroid, iron deficiency, endocrine and allergy parameters.
  • Thermo Scientific™ MAS® Omni•CARDIO consolidates a comprehensive cardiac marker panel with the new generation of STAT analytes including D-Dimer, hCG, Myeloperoxidase and Procalcitonin
  • Thermo Scientific MAS Omni•CORE Control consolidates general chemistry and serum protein QC processing into a single product, offering three distinct levels.
  • Thermo Scientific MAS Omni•IMMUNE & Omni•IMMUNE PRO Controls provide consolidation for routine immunoassay, tumor marker and specialty immunoassay QC processing into a single product, offering three distinct levels.
  • This liquid therapeutic drug control is a multi-analyte control with assayed values designed for therapeutic drugs and common immunoassay test procedures on most automated instruments
  • PTH (Parathyroid Hormone) is commonly tested to assess Calcium regulation in blood. The MAS PTH Control offers three distinct PTH levels for evaluation of automated PTH methods across the assay range.


    • Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)
  • This liquid, assayed, multi-analyte control is designed to monitor performance of various cancer antigen tests on automated instruments, such as Abbot t Architect ®, Beckman Access/ Dxl®, Ortho Vitros ECi®, Roche Modular Elecsys®, Siemens Advia Centaur ® and Immulite ®, and Tosoh AIA 600II ®.
  • A bi-level control that is liquid and ready-to-use with improved room temperature storage capability. This urine control was designed for monitoring urine dipstick and microscopic components and is assayed for most major reagent strips and strip systems
  • MAS UA product packed into convenient dip tubes to simplify manual testing of urinalysis strips.
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