FDR Clinica X

FDR Clinica X

New features include:

  • Scalability

FDR Clinica X is scalable to meet any department’s budgetary and workflow requirements. This customizable suite allows you to choose between a ceiling (FDR Clinica X OTC) or floor mounted tube head (FDR Clinica X FS) to meet your spacing and workflow needs. Chest stand only and table only configurations are also available.

  • Tilting Wall Stand

A wide variety of exams can be performed using the manual tilting tor optional automatic tilting wall stands. Non-ambulatory patients can be easily imaged in the seated position. The automatic tilting wall stand comes standard with the FDR Clinica X OTC stitching room.

  • Dual-reference Rotation

Both top- and center-reference rotations are possible with the rotating tray, and automatic detector connection is built-in. The detector can be rotated while mounted in the tray with no need to remove and remount, greatly reducing handling and speeding exams.


  • Automatic Connection

The detector cable and connector are built into the tray, enabling the detectors to be automatically connected when set in the tray. This new function greatly improves efficiency and provides a clean look with no need to manage external cabling. The automatic connection to the detector keeps the battery continuously charged so it’s always ready for on demand wireless operation.

  • Detector flexibility

FDR Clinica X is compatible with Fujifilm FDR D-EVO II and FDR ES flat panel detectors. Compatibility with the new FDR D-EVO III detectors is coming soon. FDR D-EVO III detectors feature revolutionary glass free design, making them even more lightweight and durable than previous generations. Multiple panel sizes allow technologists to match just right sizes for every exam and easily share detectors on demand throughout the department, including to and from other rooms and portables.

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FDR Clinica X has all the advanced features you need to enhance workflow and improve your patient experiences.

Engineered for performance and long-term reliability, Fujifilm Digital Radiography (DR) and fluoroscopy (RF) suites help you to provide the highest quality of care. Designed for efficient workflow in busy environments, our suites are easy to operate and allow both manual and automatic functions with user-friendly controls.




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